Happy New Year Everyone.
My aunt (mum’s sister) brought her
granddaughter over to our place yesterday (she was baby sitting her, while her
daughter ,that’s my cousin went on vacation with her husband ! Boy… that’s a
mouthful …hee. Anyway I was very
surprise , all of us were, the kid has grown, like twice the original size !
Very chubby …., call me rude but I couldn’t help staring, & pinching her
cheeks !!
Don't you want to pinch these cheeks :)) |
Why are kids getting fatter? I
remember I was so skinny as a kid because I play sports in school. These days
we have Video games, TV, the internet and fast food ,all are partly to blame.
Kids are spending more time sitting in front of a TV/computer screen than
running around outside. This sedentary lifestyle has consequences. Plus parents
are richer & likely to subject their kids to experience more exotic food as
Socially, it’s no secret that
overweight kids are going to be subject to ridicule from their peers – it’s
sad, but nevertheless true. This can result in such issues as low self-esteem,
depression, etc. Then there are the health concerns. High blood pressure,
diabetes and other maladies that is associated with obesity. Psychologically
and physically, obesity is an issue that can be resolved with a simple increase
in activity and awareness.