Sunday, 6 November 2016

People who are clueless about directions

This coming weekend one of girls from dad's office, Florence is having a house warming. Her new place is at Cote D' Azur. For those who don't stay in the East, she gave us the perfect landmark- it's next to Parkway Parade! You might think that's easy right?

Well not so, Naomi go: " where's parkway parade?"
Florence: you don't know parkway ? It's at Marine parade, it' the oldest shopping center at that area! Everyone knows Parkway!
Naomi: Not me (grin....)
Florence showed her the google map & took another 15 mins to explain how to get there. You might wonder why can't Naomi just take a damn cab right? Well that girl lives in Woodland, that's why. And non- of us stay near her so would not be able to give her a ride. Singapore is so small & yet many of us know nuts about other parts. Come to think of it, so what, if you don't know anything about directions or geography?  Nobody does anymore.

A British news team once asked random Americans on the street to name a country that began with U and nobody came up with United States ....... I told Florence that, & now she wanted to try that on Naomi

This is Parkway parade, for those who have never been here :))