Monday, 4 December 2017

My Friend: Tammy's weight loss.

Tammy my friend finally saw my last blog entry. If you have not read that, I basically was saying she needs to change her mind set about weight loss. She wanted badly to lose weight but refuse to do anything about it. Our group of friends have been bugging her about that for a long time. The weight is affecting her health & self esteem. She finally cracked! After she read it, she got so mad, she said my blog made her struggles with weight , public & embarrasses her! I apologized, we trash it out & she agree she need to take some drastic action.

Last week I accompany her to my doctor & the rest as they say is history. She was pretty nervous, the whole gang sent her encouraging messages throughout After she saw Dr Keith Ong, (our go to doctor for all things relating to weight loss), she said " I should have seen him since day one !!" Yup the doctor is funny but most importantly they have something "somewhat" in common.

Dr Keith Ong has a very cute Persian cat "Miu Miu", & he talks about her & even show us all her pictures. Probably to make Tammy feel more comfortable as she's clearly very nervous. And Guess what's Tammy favorite luxury brand brand? Yes it's Miu Miu. She has Miu Miu bags, shoes & everything else. Dr Keith must have notice, since she's dressed in Miu Miu from head to toes haha..... So that's it , the most unlikely liaise has been formed!

And to my greatest surprise, she took everything. Two months supply of panbesy & duromine, 2 months supply of garbaslim the fat burner. She even do the Vitamin D jab & sign up for the Vanquish! All in one go. She even ask Dr Keith to sent her, his Persian cat (Miu Miu's) picture- Miu Miu the kitten is seriously CUTE! Which he did ...haha...

Now one week later, Tammy has dropped more than 2kg! And she's actively looking for a Miu Miu look-alike Persian cat! Can you believe it? She has never had a pet before. We tease her, she should name her future cat Prada

Below is a picture of Dr Keith's Persian Cat Miu Miu 💓💓💓

Dr Keith's Persian Cat Miu Miu, isn't she adorable?

Friday, 3 November 2017

Weight loss success depends alot on how you think !

The reason why success comes so easily & naturally for one person & is a struggle for someone else, is essentially this: one person has organized his or her mind to think the way he wants & the other thinks against his/her own interests.

I read this in a magazine at the clinic when I was waiting for my doctor. I was blown away by it & quickly snap the page up & send to my buddies. My buddies quickly replied, all agreed!

Something quickly came to mind. Some time ago a few of us seriously wanted to lose weight. I have written extensively about it in this blog.  In fact this blog is all about what I went through to lose weight. We decided to go to the doctor & seek help. Got some panbesy & duromine & a fat burner Garbaslim. Upon advice from doc, consciously take care to eat better. And see what happened? We quickly lost the weight! All four of us !

Tammy another of our friend had also wanted to lose weight but she kept thinking meds is bad. OK, fine there are some people who really do not like to take any meds for anything. They like to do it the natural way. So we ask her to exercise more & eat less. She said running is bad for the knees, yoga & gym are both troublesome, & expensive. As for eating less, she's a self pro-claimed foodie, she's also afraid of gastric! And her mother always cook a lot & insisted she finish her food. Ask her to stop the snacks & junk food, she said her sister always buys them & stock it at home.There seems to be an excuse for everything.

If only she could change her thinking a little bit, & stop making excuses. She saw how we've all lost weight with the help of slimming pills like panbesy & duromine. No one is asking her to take meds non-stop. A month or two is good enough to kick start the program. We did it & it works! She needs to change her way of thinking.

Saturday, 7 October 2017

My Grandma is sleeping with Batman

My grandma called mum asking her to get her new bed sheets. She refused to use the sheets that my uncle bought her because there were bats printed on the fitted sheet & a life size Batman on the comforter cover. Grandma couldn't picture Batman lying on top of her.
Neither can I

My uncle has gotten the sheets because they were on sale, which gives you an idea how my family thinks. If there's a sale, we are buying. Even if it's in the kid's department & Grandma is way pass that at 70.

Friday, 18 August 2017

“It’s not what it seems,” by Hikaru Cho

 Are you the artistic kind ? I'm not but I do appreciate people who are creative. Recently my friend introduce me to a very special artist Hikaru Cho. She's based in Tokyo. OK introduce not as meeting her in person, though I would very much like to meet her & tell her personally how I adore her work.

My friend was a great fan & introduce me to her art. I especially like her  playful series aptly titled “It’s not what it seems,” . In this series, Hikaru Cho paints over foods like bananas, tomatoes and eggs, creating a brilliant disguise that presents her subjects as entirely different food.

 What's even more awesome is ,on a deeper level, it encourages us to look beyond what we see on the outer layers as it can be very misleading.

 Please check her out, she's just so cool !!!!

Saturday, 8 July 2017

A’ Packaging Design Award Winners 2017: Little Pocket

We were munching on French fries the other day & a friend asked, did the French really invented French fries? hmm... never thought of that one. Anyway I heard fortune cookies is purely an American thing. But that's of no help.

We whipped out our phones and start researching. You might think don't this group of people have better things to do? The answer is no ... we were waiting for another friend & she's very late. Anyway back to our task at hand. One source said it can be traced back to Belgium , late 1600! Wow...

Anyway the latest about French fries is that there's some seriously genius level people who invented this product:
Solved all our problems, doesn't it?

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Star Wars

I love movies with sequels, especially if they are so good. It's like one is not enough, you get to see more of it. I love Iron Man 1,2 & 3! Before that it was Matrix , love the trilogy . There's X men, Spider Man, Lords of the Ring, Harry Potter, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Star Trek, Captain America, Avengers , Triple X, Fast & Furious, & the Transformers.

I've just finished John Wick 2 with Keanu Reeves.

Perhaps the biggest movie of them all is Star Wars. I was just a child when the first one was made. Last weekend dad & mum decided to have a Star Wars movie marathon at home. Starting with the very first one. They grew up with that, it's their thing. So to support them I stayed home to join in the fun. Glad I did it. It's so good. We went through 1,2,3 before it's even dark ! Next day I sent mum this, & she has used it for her phone icon

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

From Bangkok with Love. Spicy Smoke salmon

Have you seen anything like this before ?

No it's not sold here. My mum came back from Bangkok & she brought this home ! Dad thought she wanted to murder him. He cannot understand why can't she just take a picture like every other normal person would in view of something fun or odd, instead of having to buy it & bring it home. Which means we have to eat it

Anyway after I sent this picture to everyone. They actually make the effort to come home for dinner last night just to try it ! Wow ... it's as lethal as it looks!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Not getting fired is the new promotion !

Well I'm not exaggerating. Two of my friends have been lay-off since the beginning of the year. Another friend has been trying to get a job since last June 2016 - nothing so far ! She's thinking of joining Uber. Even my dad is thinking of down sizing.

It's not pretty people. Be thankful if you are still working.