The reason why success comes so easily & naturally for one person & is a struggle for someone else, is essentially this: one person has organized his or her mind to think the way he wants & the other thinks against his/her own interests.
I read this in a magazine at the clinic when I was waiting for my doctor. I was blown away by it & quickly snap the page up & send to my buddies. My buddies quickly replied, all agreed!
Something quickly came to mind. Some time ago a few of us seriously wanted to lose weight. I have written extensively about it in this blog. In fact this blog is all about what I went through to lose weight. We decided to go to the doctor & seek help. Got some panbesy & duromine & a fat burner Garbaslim. Upon advice from doc, consciously take care to eat better. And see what happened? We quickly lost the weight! All four of us !
Tammy another of our friend had also wanted to lose weight but she kept thinking meds is bad. OK, fine there are some people who really do not like to take any meds for anything. They like to do it the natural way. So we ask her to exercise more & eat less. She said running is bad for the knees, yoga & gym are both troublesome, & expensive. As for eating less, she's a self pro-claimed foodie, she's also afraid of gastric! And her mother always cook a lot & insisted she finish her food. Ask her to stop the snacks & junk food, she said her sister always buys them & stock it at home.There seems to be an excuse for everything.
If only she could change her thinking a little bit, & stop making excuses. She saw how we've all lost weight with the help of slimming pills like panbesy & duromine. No one is asking her to take meds non-stop. A month or two is good enough to kick start the program. We did it & it works! She needs to change her way of thinking.