Sunday, 21 January 2018

Look on the bright side

Have you noticed the weather is kinda getting pretty crazy lately? The picture of this guy in Siberian with his frosted eyelashes was pretty awesome. Wonder how that feels like.

It was like minus 67 degrees there!Wow...

Back home in Singapore, it  has been raining non-stop. Some of my friends were actually wearing Uniqlo's heatech inner wear to work ...haha... I've been sleeping without air-con for days already. Mum was quite happy, she said electric bills will drop for onceπŸ˜™.

Then today all of a sudden, the sun is back again, with a vengeance. Mum is even happier, she said now, the clothes can dry properly πŸ˜€

Not much flooding this time around, but there's a new phenomena , floor tiles from many homes across the country had been popping up!😟 Could it be the rain has sipped into the walls, floors causing cement or whatever there is to expand & pushed up the old tiles? Lucky our place is fine. My neighbor who's a contractor is pretty happy, I just heard him saying he has a ton of new businesses as people were engaging him to deal with their broken floors! Hmm... like they said, every dark cloud has a silver lining. Well the sun is back , I guess things would be back to normal now.

For those whose homes has been affected. Just take it as time for a minor reno before chinese new year. Who knows, a new flooring could bring in lots of good luck for the year! πŸ‘